5 Pax posted to Hustle to work on getting faster.
I usually stick to the track with my Hustle Q’s, but since I was wanting to get in some extended sprints I thought about going mobile. I originally wanted to do mile repeats, but also didn’t want to run the main highway, so instead of running 4 laps at a time I settled for Hospitality Drive.
Conditions: 31 Degrees. Almost feels like winter again. Well at least until you get a mile into the run.
Disclaimer: Told the guys not to run themselves into an injury.
Run to Hospitality Drive and stop behind The County Bank
The work:
Sprint (using 5k or faster effort) all the way to Chili’s. This ends up being a little short of 3/4 of a mile. The first sprint has a little down hill to it, so that means the return trip will be a little more challenging. We completed 4 sprints with a minute or so recovery in between each sprint.
Cool down:
Run back to the Shipyard.
* Saturday’s workout is at the Epicenter. Pusher on the Q.
* For those participating in March Madness, you can gain extra points by EHing a new Pax. An extra point for each time he posts this week.
Prayer Requests:
* Koone Family
* Ellenberg Family
* Thumper’s Family
* While I was originally wanting to do mile repeats, Hospitality Drive was not so hospital. The slight elevation on the return trip got the leg muscles burning pretty good.
* Anyone wanting to improve their running, whether it be short distance times or long distance times will benefit from Hustle! Disclaimer: you need to have a strong running base built up before getting into extended sprints. So if you are fairly new to running, spend some time logging miles and then once you’ve built a decent base, hit up Hustle to work on getting that pace down.
Until the next Q,
The Meter is paid in full…