YHCs affinity for the Indian Run, or Mule Train, as it was sometimes called harkens back to my time as a high school baseball player. For some odd reason, I’m a sport where you mostly stand around, our coaches loved to implement many running only activities such as the Indian Run. Those memories were brought to full light this morning as I heard Polly cuss his way around the Epicenter, very similar I imagine to how I once did around the baseball field.
Slowsey to the area right outside the CouponCage
15 fast SSH IC
10 backward LBAC (Polly did at least half forward)
15 fast SSH IC
10 forward LBAC
15 fast SSH IC (I think it was during this set we realized Polly’s arms seemed to be flopping in the wind in a very weird way)
10 OH AirClap
15 fast SSH IC (another opportunity to laugh at Polly)
Split into 2 groups of 5
Group 1 Indian runs clockwise around Epicenter
Group 2 Indian runs anti-clockwise (shoutout to me British mate Posh while he rehabs his calf) around Epicenter
After 2 revolutions through pax – all complete 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 BBSU – about 5-6 stops to make a full lap around
When returning to starting point – 50 curls
Form new groups and complete another Indian run lap around Epicenter with same work at the stops
When returning to starting point – 50 curls
Time running short so set off on a 10 man Indian run – after all pax rotated through – 25 LBCs, 25 WhirlyBoys, 25 flutter kicks – return to starting area via Indian run – complete 50 more curls
was glad to see Otis back in TheGloom – made sure to give a personalized disclaimer – sure as heck didn’t want him to flake out during my Q with covering the bases
Wanted to set the Indian runs up as races around the Epicenter but had an epiphany that not everything has to be a competition
You can take the boy out of New Jersey, but you can’t take the New Jersey out of the boy – former AOQ Polly was in midseason form with multiple moments that only he can deliver – congratulations Polly
after thinking about, not sure if Indian run is an acceptable term or should be termed racist vernacular- will look to MeterMaid for a ruling