YHC had a Dora workout planned that was going to utilize some different parts of the Epicenter that YHC has never used before, but when only 3 PAX showed up, that one was shelved and quickly an on the fly BC began.
Disclaimer was given at 5:15.
SSH x 25
Grasscutters x 20
LBAC forwards and reverse x 15
Mosey to the coupon cage to secure a coupon and we moseyed to the sideline of the soccer field.
The Thang
1st set of exercises were OH Press, Triceps Extensions, and Curls. PAX performed 20 OH press and then moseyed to the other sideline, performed 20 American Hammers, moseyed back, performed 20 triceps extensions, moseyed back to other side, performed 20 American Hammers, moseyed back and 20 curls, and then back to the other side for 20 American Hammers. The entire cycle was repeated 2 more times with the ab exercise changing from American Hammers to Flutter Kicks to LBC’s.
2nd set of exercises were Chest Press, Bent Over Rows, and Pullovers. The same process was repeated above.
Surprisingly, time was up at the end of the 2nd set of exercises and coupons were returned and back to the flag we moseyed.
2nd F at Fusion
March Madness competition
Prayer Requests
Samantha Farmer, teenage girl who is in a coma. Pray for healing and comfort for the family.
-Great to see Coffin back in the gloom. YHC heard of some of his past epic Q’s and hope that he brings one back to the Epicenter soon. There are plenty of wide open spots on the Q sheet.
-YHC realized the importance of the 2nd F this morning. Too often during workouts, YHC gets so caught up in how many reps need to get done, that YHC misses the time to connect with the other men of F3. But, this morning, YHC took the time to not worry so much about “getting it done” but to engage in conversation while the work was getting done. It was a great reminder for me of why I love working out with the men of F3.
Till next time,