F3 Greenwood

After looking at the weather forecast, YHC tweeted the night before that this would be the last chance to post in above freezing temps for awhile, but, the weatherman was wrong as when YHC woke up this morning, the temp read 30* with a wind chill of 22*. Nevertheless, 6 PAX posted but the flag didn’t. (More on that later.)

Disclaimer was given and off we went.


20 SSH
20 Imperial Walkers
15 Little Baby Arm Circles forwards
15 Little Baby Arm Circles backwards
15 Front Claps
15 Overhead Claps

We counted off and paired off and moseyed to the coupon cage where each pair secured one coupon per pair.

The Thang

We gathered outside of the cage and instructions were given as follows: PAX 1 was to rifle carry the coupon and PAX 2 was going to complete 5 merkins. After 5 merkins were complete PAX 2 ran to PAX 1, secured the coupon and continued the rifle carry while PAX 1 completed 5 coupons. This was repeated as we moseyed to the pull-up bar.

At the pull-up bar, we performed 10 pull-ups, sprinted to the lighted light pole and performed 1 Bonnie Blair (counting right leg only). This was repeated until 1 pull-up and 10 Bonnie Blairs were performed. Planks were done to the 6.

We picked the coupons back up and repeated the mosey as we took the long way to the center.

At the center we performed a partner combination of a plank and a Merkin. While PAX 1 held a low plank, PAX 2 performed 20 merkins with their legs on the back of PAX 1. The plank was held for a cadence call of 20 seconds. This was repeated twice with each PAX performing both exercises twice.

The next set of exercises was dips and squats. PAX performed 2 dips at the picnic tables, moseyed to the bottom of the hill by the coupon cage and performed 20 squats. This repeated until 20 dips and 2 squats was performed.

We picked up the coupons for one last mosey back to the cage repeating the rifle carry and merkins and time was called.

We moseyed back to where the flag wasn’t and had COT.


Run your ice off – February 3rd
Lander run on the 10th
F3 Saluda launch next week

Prayer Concerns

For the family that lost 3 kids in the fire in McCormick.
Encouragement and support for 2nd Chance and 8Mile.


-Great work was done by the men who showed up despite the fact that the temps were colder than expected. The weatherman was inaccurate once again. It was supposed to be above freezing temps today, but, no such luck.
-We were without a flag despite the fact that our esteemed AOQ stated after bootcamp on Thursday that he would be there and declined to give me the flag. In fairness to him, he claims that he thought bootcamp was at 7 and posted evidence on Twitter. He probably would know the time if he posted more on Saturdays.
-After Tickle said something about going to support the F3Saluda launch next week. The PAX got into a conversation of how great our group is and that we have a committed group of about 30 PAX who post consistently. Sunshine made a comment that we have better turnouts than the F3 in central Florida. We realized how fortunate we are to have such a committed and successful group of men who are willing to better themselves both physically and spiritually. From a personal standpoint. being invited by Sunshine last spring was a great thing and I have enjoyed being a part of such a great group of men.
-I shared with the group Ephesians 3:20-21. It is a reminder from Paul that we can do “immeasurably more than we can imagine” because of Him who lives in us. It is a challenge for us as men not to stop dreaming. To have goals that scare us. For me personally, sometimes I forget to dream and set goals because I am just trying to survive the day as both a husband and a father and I forget to set goals that require me to rely on Him for the strength to accomplish them.

Till next time,
