F3 Greenwood

11 Pax rolled up to a roped off parking lot at the Shipyard for a post Natty Party.

Conditions: mid 30’s (bout time)

Disclaimer: Given (A little debate on the being there voluntarily part. Some felt that they were voluntold to be there)

SSH x15 IC
Cut the Grass x15 IC

Procure 2 coupons per team

The Work:

3 way Dora
Pax 1 does cumulative work
Pax 2 runs outer edge of parking lot
Pax 3 does ab work at bottom of parking lot until Pax 2 gets there

Reverse Crunches
American Hammers

1st set
100 Burpees
200 Merkins
300 Dips

2nd Set
100 Tricep Extensions
200 Bent Over Rows
300 Curls


Return Coupons


* Saturday’s workout is at the Epicenter, BenGay on the Q
* Saluda Launch 1/20, Flossy on the Q
* Run Your Ice Off 2/3

Prayer Requests:
* Sugar’s Sister-in-law
* Tim Still’s son
* Family of the ones involved in the house fire


* After a strong Twitter EH was thrown out last night it was good to see some guys post to the Yard that I have seen in a while. Whether from us posting at different AOs or one of us had been guilty of fartsacking. Either way, keep posting guys. You’ve been missed.
* Communication skills remain a weakness of mine. Proven by me not being able to split guys into teams of 3 and not being able to make it clear each team needed 2 coupons. Learning point here is we all having something to get better at.
* A couple of future Kicking G.O.A.T.s were taking advantage of the nice morning while we were enjoying the parking lot party. Spud and Pebbles’ 2.0s. Apparrently though, Pebbles’ invitation to the party was lost in the mail, because he did not join us. Maybe Thursday.
* Great effort from all that posted this morning.

Until the next Q…
The Meter is paid in full