F3 Greenwood

5 Guys laced up their PF Flyers and posted at Hustle.

It’s bad when you check the temperature on the watch and when you see mid 20’s you smile.

Conditions: still cold. Just not umpteen degree cold.

Disclaimer: Who knows, but if you haven’t heard it by now, there’s a good chance you weren’t going to hear it today.

Warm-Up: Run 4 laps (1 mile) around the track at a nice an easy pace

The work:

Run 1 lap at 5k pace
Run 1 lap at conversation pace
Run 2 laps at <5k pace (faster than 5k pace)
Rest 2 minutes or so to get the heart rate back down

Rinse and repeat x3

Cool Down: Run 2 laps at conversation pace

Stretch for the final minute or two




* Saturday’s workout is at the Epicenter. BenGay on the Q.
* Run Your Ice Off 5k/8k is 2/3. Great way for us to promote F3 Greenwood. Sign up and push for a PR.
* January Pax Challenge. Don’t forget to post at runs and boot camps to be eligible for something.

Prayer Request:
* Sugar’s Sister-in-law had surgery. Went well. Now looks to start Chemo.
* Bueller has a coworker with heart issues.
* Tim (F3 Greenwood’s Dr. Phil) Still’s son was diagnosed with Lymphoma


* Track appeared to be locked up, but after a more detailed scoop of the situation a lock was found to just be hanging, so we took that as an open invitation to use the track. Which was good, because I really didn’t want to come up with a plan B.
* The Christmas ear buds are still making it hard to hear when someone speaks to me, but I did not allow that to give the appearance that I was in a bad mood.
* I’ve Qed this workout before with the only difference being that we ran 3 laps (1 fast, 1 slow, 1 fast) instead of the 4 laps described above. The 2nd fast lap at the end is a game changer. You really have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to maintain that sub 5k pace for 800 meters. Well… At least I do.
* I like speed workouts. I think once you have built a decent running base it will do wonders for your running ability. The key is to make sure you’ve built up a strong base so that you don’t get injured. Or you can always post to Hustle and just ease into it versus going full redline.
* As we approached the gate (which appeared to be locked) Coach Bane (the name he earned by doing workouts with a breathing mask on) was pulling down the concrete monster. He pulled to the gate and asked if we had a key. I quickly responded, no the lock is just hanging in the gate (Thinking he was asking about how we got in or how we were going to get out). Sugar, on the other hand, pointed out that we should have said, “No, want to give us one?” And that’s why he’s the Nantan.

Until the next Q… (which is tomorrow at the Shipyard)
The Meter is paid in full!