F3 Greenwood

A call went out by Dixie Chick Friday afternoon needing a SubQ. After about an hour of should I….. shouldn’t I, YHC decided it was time to step up and take on a Saturday BC. YHC was worried it could be a low Saturday with the Polar Vortex continuing to bring frigid temps to #TheWood. That combined with a suspected rogue run in the works had low numbers anticipated. A couple of pax channel HC’s and some shield lock texting encouraged YHC that the call of the #ColdSaturdayFartSack could be broken for others and admittedly myself. Thankfully, 9 pax showed up and it was on! Today’s BC takes place mostly on the Frozen Tundra of The Ship.




GrassCuttersx20 IC

LBAC’sx15 front/20 back (lost count for voice inflection at 15)

Burpeesx10 OYO


Mosey to the bottom of the Concrete Monster

5 Rounds Mosey up, 10 merkins, Mosey down (progressively increasing speed each round)

Mosey to the Coupons

Line up on the sideline (10 min AMRAP)




Mosey to otherside for 20 BigBoy Situps and Back



10 count

Lineup again 10min AMRAP




Mosey to otherside Flutterkicksx20 Mosey back



10 Count


Lineup on the Goal Line 21/15/9 10 min AMRAP




Run to opposite goal line (Take it to the house) 15 Merkins



Coupons away and back to the Monster

LBC’sx20 at the bottom, Bearcrawl to the Top, 10 V-ups,mosey to the bottom

Repeato until Time is called

(Interupted by a Burpee Train 10 burpees OYO)



Countorama, Namerama, Prayer (Led by BioFreeze……Good call here by Boy George realizing my prayer skills would be no match compared to a priest from Jersey)

Prayers for Sugar’s SIL after having surgery this week and cancer treatments beginning in a few weeks, MacnCheese dealing with foot issues, Pax dealing with health issues and pax for leadership and guidance at home.

Announcement: F3Greenwood will be assisting with the F3Saluda Launch. We have week 3. It will be in 2 weeks 1/20. YHC is QIC. HC to me if you would like to take a #clowncar down and help out.


Great group today! Despite our faces being numb, #mumblechatter and encouragement were heard across the tundra. No doubt tough to post on what for most of us was a day off with temps falling into the low teens as we put in the work. Call us crazy but felt good after!

Great job by BenGay leading the pack and showing us all how it is done. Thanks for bringing the BioFreeze #Respect

#tclaps to Tweeter for getting in some Pre BC miles from StarBucks.

This has to be the coldest week since F3Greenwood started. #tclaps to the pax that braved the #PolarVortex Really looking forward to “regular” temps returning next week.

Blame the #BurpeeTrain call on my 2.0’s. Skidsteer said yesterday in the truck it has been a long time since we had a #Burpeetrain Thanks for planting the seed young one. The pax did not agree considering it happened on the Monster.

Good having some guys back out recently that have been out for a bit. Things come up in our daily lives that need our attention. We go through ups and downs. I have been there. Thankfully, the pax are always here. Be great to keep seeing pax return as the thaw starts. F3 is centered around a workout to get us together but it is more than than that. Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. A support group, mentoring, guidance, leadership, friendships, being a part of something bigger to make us all better at home, work, and in our community.