Since being on the IR for the last 1.5-2 weeks on and off, YHC has gotten out of the habit of getting up quite so early, and therefore was terrified of oversleeping. No question that the Nantan would have given YHC a little grief if he missed another Q. So even though 3 alarms were set, YHC still didn’t sleep the best. Thankfully the alarms worked and YHC made it. Here’s how the morning went:
Conditions – Cold! Temps around 28. A crowd of 26 PAX were on hand for this mornings Coffee Run.
Disclaimer was given, although most PAX were talking ( or already gone) and didn’t hear it.
We ran, several routes and distances, and all returned, safely.
Count-o-Roma: 26
- Christmas Party Friday night at Sugar’s Pad
- Saturday’s workout is at Terrapin
- Bowl Pickem due Friday to JJ
Prayer Requests:
- YHC’s parents
- Pusher’s Parents
- Families of those lost in recent days
- When YHC passed the Publix intersection otw this morning, at least a dozen PAX passed, leaving me to wonder if I was late. Kudos to those going XL.
- Glad to have a good group out this morning despite the cold weather. Let’s shoot for 30+ PAX tomorrow.
- Speaking of cold, it was! That being said, it was great to get back at it after some time on the IR.
As always, it’s an honor to lead such a fine group of men. Until next time, Bean out!