F3 Greenwood


Another day, another Sugar Q…doing my best to catch DixieChick in the October points competition.

Disclaimer – fully noted, mumbles and grumbles from some that this disclaimer sounded too familiar to Tuesday’s monkey humper fest

10 SSH
10 GrassCutters
10 IW
10 Windmill


Indian RUN to the the student parking lot – kept a pretty solid pace and helped to get heart rate up – also helped to raise the body temperature in the 37* morning air

1 rep ClockMerkins, run to 1st light pole, 25 mountain climbers, back peddle to curb
2 reps ClockMerkins, run to 2nd light pole, 25 plank jacks, back peddle to curb
3 reps ClockMerkins, run to 3rd light pole, 50 mountain climbers, back peddle to curb
4 reps ClockMerkins, run to 4th light pole, 50 plank jacks, back peddle to curb
5 reps ClockMerkins, ab work for the 6

Indian RUN to practice football field and grab a coupon – partner up

P1 holds coupon in static bicep, P2 does 10 curls
P1 holds coupon in static tricep, P2 does 10 triceps extensions
P1 holds coupon in static bicep, P2 does 20 curls
P1 holds coupon in static tricep, P2 does 20 triceps extensions
P1 holds coupon in static bicep, P2 does 30 curls
P1 holds coupon in static tricep, P2 does 30 triceps extensions

Same idea with modification for all pax in circle to hold static while one pax complete reps

Rifle position + 10 OH Press
Bicep hold + 15 bicep curls (somewhere around here is when we had confirmation of Pushers half reps)
Rifle position + 5 OH Press

6 Minutes of Mary – SugarAbRipper
30 second low plank
20 WhirlyBoy IC
30 second low plank
15 reverse crunch IC
30 second low plank
15 flutter kicks IC
30 second low plank
