3 Pax posted for a Saturday morning of tough work at the Epicenter. It’s too bad there were no other pax willing to overcome the fartsack and join the fun. When I wrote out my plan for the day, I had planned on doing partner work for most of the workout. Since there were only three present some slight modifications were made to the plan, but I believe it went off pretty well.
Disclaimer given at 5:15 and we got started.
20 Imperial Walkers IC
20 SSHs IC
Mosey to the Coupon Cage for THE THANG:
SOLO DORA: Normally this is some good partner work, but today we tackled it solo style. It proved to be quite tough on the arms.
100 KB Swings, 200 Curls, 300 Alpos-After 50 reps, run across mini soccer field and do 10 HR Merkins
This work was stopped about halfway through the round of Alpos for the sake of time.
Long Mosey around the Epicenter to the Gazebo
21 Dips, 15 Incline Merkins, 9 WW1 Sit-ups- 3 rounds with 25 calf raises between each set
Mosey to the Hill:
Start at the bottom of the hill, do 1 Jungle Boy squat. Run to the top and do 7 Big Boy Sit-ups. Run back down. Repeat and increase JB squats by one and decrease BB Situps by one until 7 JB squats at bottom and 1 BB Sit-up at top.
Mosey to the building at the center of the park:
1 pax holds plank, 1 pax wall sits, 1 pax does 20(each leg) Australian Mtn Climbers. Rotate when set of Mtn Climbers is complete. Repeat rotation until each pax has completed 3 rounds of each exercise.
Time called and we returned to where the flag should have been.
Count, Names, Announcements, Prayer Requests, and we closed in prayer.
Big thanks to Meatloaf and Southern Belle for posting today. We did some good work today and we are better for it.
Dixie Chick