F3 Greenwood

Finally a BB that’s on time.  If your going to do F3 or compete in Spartan races or relay races you have to have muscle endurance.  You can be the biggest meathead but if you don’t have muscle endurance you will give out quickly in these events. Sure you need muscle and strength but that’s only going to get you so far.  And the more muscle you have the more oxygen you need to feed those muscles and keep your body going. I’m doing my best to keep pushing the limits and #gettingbetter.


Disclaimer given and off we go


3 guys on the pull-up rig at a time and everybody else doing BBS

3 rounds

1. Max Effort L Hang

2. Max Effort Pull-ups

3. Max Effort Dead Hang


Mosey to coupons, grab one and meet in in corner of soccer field

4 Corner Escalator

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 10 Burpees, 20 Squats
  3. 10 Burpees, 20 Squats, 30 Bonnie Blairs
  4. 10 Burpees, 20 Squats, 30 Bonnie Blairs, 40 FlutterKicks

Pullovers for the 6


Solo Dora Sort Of

5 Rounds

20 Overhead Press

40 Curls

60 Chest Press

20 Lunge Steps

10 Dying Coachroaches

Run Back and repeat

Pullover into BBS for the 6


Recover and return the coupons and meet at the flag

Countorama, Namaorama, Announcents, Prayer Requests and Closing Prayer


Great work by everyone today

Ben Gay tweaked his back Monday and like most of us he thought the best to treat that was to post Tuesday where we did KB Swings and today where we did more easy back exercises.  Needless to say his back is talking to him and had him on his knees by the end of the workout.  Give him some encouragement and chastising to let it heal and get better.

I want to say we give Polly a hard time and honestly he deserves it but he deserves a shout out as well for continuing to post through his knee injury and push to get better.  Hopefully when I’m his age I’m still able to exercise with the F3 group.  Truly great work Polly.

Trojan, Lego, Encino Man and Quickie have become staples to the epicenter and are some very strong PAX.  Keep up the good work guys.

This Q had us winded mostly from the beginning and that’s a good thing.


Meatloaf Out