A solid number of runners for our weekly Starbucks extravaganza. Even a running appearance made by Sour who blew by YHC on the CrossCreek Connector.
Afterwards, we had some fun when a mouse scurried over Meter’s foot inside the newly renovated Starbucks. We alerted the staff (one of whom appeared to quit on the spot) and the manager promptly brought us a broom to help guide the mouse out the door. Chaos ensued. The mouse was initially the victim of a slap shot that would have made Wayne Gretzky proud. He came about 3 feet off of the ground and was traveling at a high velocity until he slammed into the counter. He regained his composure and made a dash back towards the counter/kitchen area only to be denied by MeterMaid. Then he ran under the condiment/trash area which proved to be fatal. In an effort to get him moving out a team of PAX lifted the mobile island and shook it a bit. Upon putting it back down the poor mouse was mortally impaled. We then swept him out the door and went on with our day. Good times. RIP.