F3 Greenwood

Yet the BRR is still not over so we are still working upperbody and abs.  Kudzu quipped “do you just hate shoulders?” and was heard saying “make the bad man stop” as he lay on the ground in agony.

Disclaimer given

Mosey to the coupons, thanks for unlocking the gate Polly, grab one and circle up on the soccer field

Per my usual no warm-up planned, show up early and run like me or warm-up own your own.  Due to much complaining we did a few warm-up exercises.


15 LBAC (Forward & Backwards)

15 Overhead Claps

15 CTG

5 Manmakers

5 Manmakers

30 Flutterkicks

5 Manmakers

30 Flutterkicks

15 Pullovers

5 Manmakers

30 Flutterkicks

15 Pullovers

20 Freddy Mercury

5 Manmakers

30 Flutterkicks

15 Pullovers

20 Freddy Mercury

5 Manmakers

30 Flutterkicks

15 Pullovers

20 Freddy Mercury

10 Alpos

10 Alpos

20 Heel Taps

10 Alpos

20 Heel Taps

30 Overhead Press

10 Alpos

20 Heel Taps

30 Overhead Press

30 Bent Rows

10 Alpos

20 Heel Taps

30 Overhead Press

30 Bent Rows

10 Alpos

20 Heel Taps

30 Overhead Press

30 Bent Rows

10 Front Press

10 Front Press

30 LBC

10 Front Press

30 LBC

50 Chest Press

10 Front Press

30 LBC

50 Chest Press

40 Curls

10 Front Press

30 LBC

50 Chest Press

40 Curls

10 Front Press

30 LBC

50 Chest Press

40 Curls


Yea the COP never ended and the workout was just a warm-up as several PAX noted.

Return the coupons and mosey back to the flag.

Count up, Name up and Pray up


Appreciate the opportunity to lead you guys.