F3 Greenwood

The Mother Ship is always a great place to Q. So many possibilities for a good workout there. If you haven’t Q’d there yet, try it out. Limited only by your imagination.

Given it’s been SO humid so many early mornings of late, this morning’s slight reprieve of balminess was really nice.

The 1 minute warning comes once again

Disclaimer given


SSH- 12 IC
Mountain Climbers – 12 IC
Plank Jacks – 12 IC
Windmills – 12 IC

Fast Mosey to grass area just past pull-up bars


10 Merkins (count on Q, “down-up”)
Flutter Kicks- 30 IC
9 Merkins (count on Q)
LBC- 20 IC
8 Merkins (count on Trojan)
American Hammer- 20 IC
7 Merkins (count on Tootsie Roll)
Freddy Mercury- 15 IC
6 Merkins (count on Southern Belle)
Crunchy Frogs- 15 IC
5 Merkins (count on Hulk)
Freddy Mercury- 15 IC
4 Merkins (count on Icey Hot)
American Hammer- 20 IC
3 Merkins (count on Roach)
LBC- 20 IC
2 Merkins (count on ?)
Flutter Kicks- 30 IC
1 Merkin (count on Q)

Fast Mosey to the hill
Count off by 2’s, partner up

Pax 1 at bottom of hill Air Squats or Al Gore (pax choice)
Pax 2 bear crawls up hill, beginning his

B. L. I. M. P. S.
Pax alternating, running down the hill, between each letter.

{5 B.urpees, 10 L.unges (count 1 leg), 15 I.mperial Walkers (count 1 leg), 20 M.erkins, 25 Plank Jax, 30 S.quats.}

Fast Mosey to the gazebo, still teamed up.

Pax 1 Dips – 15
Pax 2 Calve Raises – 30
Swap after each set count.

Pax 1 Decline Merkins – 20
Pax 2 Box Jumps -20/10
Swap after each set count.

All pax together in sync, Calve raises 30/15/20

Fast Mosey to Shovel Flag





Prayer Requests

Prayer by YHC


  • YHC connected with a few Pax the night before who’d been missing from the rolls for the last few weeks/months. One of those fine fellows was Roach. He made the right choice and swallowed the Red Pill. Really good to see him back in there. I think he’s gonna keep it up too, stay on him brothers.
  • Had never worked out with Icy Hot before. Dude needs to post at RED Friday’s! And, needs to do the Spartan. I’m calling you out Icy Hot. Machines get no sympathy.
  • Floppy was there. That was real encouraging to see F3 Laurens pax and leader posting w us in the Wood
  • The “down-up” Merkins YHC held pax in down position for good measure. It was well received, based on the moaning. Other pax followed suit.
  • Mumble Chatter was decent throughout. I always like that,,,although, it’s a sign there is still Air in the lungs. For some, that could be an unacceptable Q
  • Remember Snuggles in your prayers, for good tests results and healing. Remember Otis as well. Polly and his knee. Trojan for wisdom w decisions he is making.
