Of course the threat of Godzilla kept most of the PAX at other locations. Good turnout today. At 6 am, the PAX of Tsunami headed to grab a coupon. Noticebly absent was none other than YHC who came rolling in at 6:02. Ran to catch up to guys and off with our coupons we headed. Mr. Bean was quick to point out “Hey, we can’t take these coupons of Professional field”, but YHC had it all laid out. Settled in on concrete right outside of track fence. From there it was right off and away to a blistering 1100. I first said that we have all been running a lot , so this was just an upper body and core work out. In between sets, run to goal post and back to keep cardio up. Didn’t take into account how many times we did this and distance, so we still ended up running over a mile. Did not mean to.
straight into 1100:
10 Bonnie Blairs run and start next set, repeat this every time
20 alpos, run
30 thrusters, run
40 merkins, run
50 tricep extensions, run
60 overhead presses , run
70 flutter kicks, run
80 curls, run
90 LBCs, run
100 bench presses, run
100 bench presses, run
and so forth back down to 10 bonnie blairs. All four of us stayed pretty much together and finished about 6:46 on nose.
Put up coupons.
Announcements, prayers , and send off.
Then the real stuff starts. Very little mumblechatter on this intense workout . Everyone working on upper body and catching breath in the humidity. Afterwards, Mr Bean said making a quick trip by Starbucks. Pusher out. Puddin then says he will come. Pusher decides to come by and get H20. At Starbucks, Puddin starts agging on Mr Bean and Pusher into a Wednesday race. Bean then says Pusher can race Puddin. I said I would need 7 minute head start. Then conversation turns. Other things discussed. And we all have to rush out. Next thing I know when I check into the Twitter thread at 11, I have been entered into yet other races. Teach me to socialize after a workout !
Pusher out.