The best part of being Q is leading workouts that you like or find challenging (BTW we need more Q’s and we have so many men right now who need to step-up and lead!) Today was a bunch plain old work, nothing fancy but kept the heart rate up for 45 minutes.
Conditions: Prefect!
19 Side Straddle Hops In Cadence (I messed up and went with it).
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps In Cadence
20 Hillibilly’s In Cadence
The Thang
Each PAX does 20 kettle bell swings, 20 Burpees and 5 thursters. Then run a 100 yards across the soccer field and complete 20 squats, 20 merkins and 5 v-ups. Rinse and repeat with the thrusters and v-ups ascending by 5 reps each round.
We ran the clock out doing this. YHC and Flossy finished the work (deal with it Polly).
Thumper is insanely fast for big guy!
Trojan is a silent beast as well! It is second week out and he is killing it!
Great efforts were put in by all men!
Much needless hate was thrown at the burpee. I don’t get hate for the burpee, it is a fine an exercise as God ever created!
Prayers for family of Rocky, and Otis.
Devotion: Hebrews 11:25 “choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.”