F3 Greenwood

After a failure of communication, a rescue Q was implemented.

Conditions: Calling it a job don’t make it right, boss.

Disclaimer was given.

Warm-up: Proceeded to secure coupons and line up on the goal line. A quick warm-up of 20 side straddle hops and 15 grass cutters was completed.

Thang: No man can eat fifty eggs.

Each exercise is to be continued until the zero set with each set being dropped by a count of 10. At the end of each set PAX run (70% sprint) to the 40 yard line and mosey back.

20 Man Makers

40 Flutter Kicks

30 Overhead Press

30 Big Boy Sit-ups

30 Alpos

40 LBCs

40 Curls

May have been another exercise out in the gloom but lost to me.

30 Tricep Extension

20 V-ups (counted down by 5 to 10)


30 Merkins (Time called before this one was completed)


Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama


Prayers lifted for Rocky’s family, that everything was okay with Juggernaut, Southern Belle’s church group travel, and more plus those on our hearts and minds.


The PAX started each exercise together and planked for the 6. All should have felt it the following day, or they weren’t doing it right! Good work men!