F3 Greenwood

YHC originally signed up to Q because a Q was needed, I failed to notice that it was a day after Judge Hairy’s Birthday! Many did not know that Judge is YHC’s brother in law. So, YHC wanted to give him a present that he would feel and appreciate far after the morning was over, a gift that will keep on giving, if you will!


9 Side Straddle Hops In Cadence

9 Burpees In Cadence

9 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward In Cadence

9 Little Baby Arm Circles Backward In Cadence

9 Single Arm Taps (Each Side In Cadence)

(9 Rep scheme because the Judge is the hardest working 9 fingered member of the Pax in the whole F3 nation!)

The Thang

46 KB Swings.

46 meter sprint.

46 meter bear crawl

46 over the block hops

46 meter sprint.

46 meter bear crawl

46 Big Boy Sit-ups

46 meter sprint.

46 meter bear crawl

46 Al Gore Chest Press

46 meter sprint

46 meter bear crawl

46 chest press in cadence

46 meter sprint

46 meter bear crawl

46 Overhead Press

46 meter sprint

46 meter bear crawl

46 curls

46 meter sprint

46 meter bear crawl

46 Iron crosses (Birthday Boy’s Idea)

46 meter sprint

46 meter bear crawl

(46, because you guessed it, Judge turned 46)


Judge Hairy is a one of the best humans that YHC knows! He has has helped me and my family (and countless others in our community and beyond!) He has a important and stressful job, he is a great father, husband, friend, and faithful follower of Jesus! He has been an amazing example of what it means to grow in Christ though trials and tribulations. YHC preaches that weekly, but the Judge has lived it out daily! Much love and a man hug to you, Judge!

BTW: YHC also gets a free vacation with him and from him next week also, henceforth all the kind words! We will be posting in Charleston as well!