After Meatloaf’s stationary, high rep, “simple” workout at the Shipyard on Tuesday (which still has me sore), YHC knew that we needed to cover some ground, keep the heart-rate up, and mix in some work. This plan did just that.
7 pax answered the call and joined YHC for the early installment of work at the Shipyard.
Conditions: low-mid 70’s and humid
Disclaimer: Given at the one minute warning
Warmup – One lap around the school. But not just any lap…
Partner up for a partner chase(to be repeated throughout the workout):
Partner 1 starts to mosey
Partner 2 does 5 burpees then run to catch Partner 1
Flapjack, rinse and repeat until you get to the bottom of the concrete monster.
Plank for the six
Partner 1 backpedals up the concrete monster, does 10 merkins, mosey back to the bottom
Partner 2 does big boy sit-ups until Partner 1 returns
Flapjack, rinse and repeat for 4 full rounds
Mosey up the concrete monster
Find your partner for another chase to the student parking lot
Suicides across the parking lot (OYO)
Run to the first light pole – 10 monkey humpers
Run back to the curb – 10 american hammers (count one side)
Rinse and repeat at each light pole until you go curb to curb across the parking lot. 10 monkey humpers at each light and 10 american hammers at the near curb.
Find your partner for another chase to the back patio of the school
On the back patio – remove the rugs that are draped over the benches
Partner 1 does 10 box jumps(or modify to 10 step-ups counting one leg)
Partner 2 does bench dips until Partner 1 is done
Flapjack, rinse and repeat for 3 rounds
One last partner chase back to the flag – stay on the pavement, don’t cut through the grass.
-Terrapin on Saturday at 0600
-All AO’s need Q’s to step up. If you’re ready for your VQ, let the AOQ or someone who Q’s regularly know in order to get signed up. Plenty of opportunities to Co-Q if you’re more comfortable with that.
Prayer Requests:
Second Chance’s sister – Allison
Second Chance’s friend with epilepsy
-My goal going in to this workout was to make it hard and keep the heart-rate up. I think that mission was accomplished. Everyone who showed up put in max effort and pushed their limits.
-Upon announcing the partner chases with burpees, Tickle said, “So if you can outrun your partner, you don’t have to do any burpees?” YHC thought he was just joking, but Tickle was doing a fast-mosey when he was being chased.
-It’s been said here before, but #tclaps to Second Chance for putting in crazy effort throughout the workout. With that kind of effort, you’ll be leading the pack before you know it. Keep pushing the rock.
-I don’t know about anybody else, but the big boy sit-ups at the bottom of the concrete monster were not a good call on my part. I’m going to have a hard time sitting down at all today.
-Totals: 2 miles covered, 25-30ish burpees, 40 merkins, 40-50ish big boy sit-ups, 50 monkey humpers, 50 american hammers, 30 boxjumps(or step ups), 30-40ish dips