F3 Greenwood

Eight pax rode a tidal wave of pain at Tsunami, five of whom joined YHC for a double down at Shipyard beforehand. When the wave crested, the pax were spent and there was much destruction in the wake – destruction of #SadClowns, that is!

Hot and humid were the conditions. Hydration is important. Stay hydrated, my friends!

Disclaimer may or may not have been issued, but one look at YHC and the word “professional” goes right out the window. Here’s what we did:

Mosey to student parking lot

Sidewalk merkins x 10

Ski hop routine

  • 20 forward ski hops, 20 lateral ski hops, run to next line, repeat.
  • Touch curb and AYG sprint back to start
  • Rinse and Repeat x 3

Mosey to wall behind school

  • Wall sit 60 seconds
  • Squats x 10
  • Wall sit 45 seconds
  • Squats x 10 with 10 pulses at the end
  • Wall sit 30 seconds
  • Squats x 10 with 10 pulses at the end then Al Gore 30 seconds

Mosey to concrete monster

  • 8-count body builders at the bottom. Increase merkin and plank jack by 1 each rep
  • After round of 5 & 10 merkins/plank jacks, sprint to top of concrete monster and mosey back to bottom

Crawl bear up the steps. Rinse and repeat.

Balls to the wall at the top x 2

Flutter kicks x 20 IC at varying speeds


Count, name, pray.


The mental grind of a workout is what gets most people on the sideline. The mental aspect is everything! I vowed several years ago when I quit smoking and decided to get into shape that I would not let my mind trick me into quitting. That squirrely thing upstairs can pretty creative, too. It tells me to cut corners all the time. Shave effort. But I have learned that I cannot afford even the smallest foray into the desert of corner cutting. It begins to permeate my entire being. At the core, I am a weak, weak man. When I give in a little then it becomes easier to give in more and more. And if I don’t stay connected to folks who will hold me accountable then it becomes easier and easier to justify the cutting of corners. Then, one day I look around and I’ve cut absolutely everything.

My dad always told me that men know their strengths, good men know their weaknesses and great men knew both, plus learned to find other men to help with their weaknesses and to exploit their strengths to impact the world around them. I now my weaknesses all too well and, thanks to the men of F3, have some accountability for those. Hopefully, I am using my strengths to make my community a better place to live, work and raise a family.

I say all of that to say this: The mental discipline to execute the many tasks my family needs me to execute without a drop off in performance begins, for me, at a workout. When I have had a long day and my boys insist on playing basketball for hours on end, can I execute? Can I tell my body to hush when I can’t fathom playing another single game of 21? Or when my wife wants her yard to look decent. Or when father-in-law needs help keeping his business going? Or when friends need help moving? Or make sure that I am being a good steward of my home, vehicles and finances? Sometimes I just want to chill out and pretend I’m a pumpkin on a porch somewhere, staring aimlessly out into space and sitting quite still. It takes mental discipline to shut that desire off and execute.

With my soapbox rant complete, please continue to pray for Rocky and family. He has been fighting like crazy and he is tired. Meatloaf and Bean have the deets if you want to visit, but Bean noted that visits, while welcome, should be kept short.

Also, please pray for Sunshine who will have surgery tomorrow, July7, on a place no man wants to have cut.