When QIC started Qing over a year ago, he usually had to do Saturdays because weekday was too hard, at least that was excuse. So, when I ran them, I tried to make the hour interesting by bringing in games and music. Went over well I think. So , when I was asked to pick up a last second Q at Tsunami, again, I decided to reach into bag of tricks and bring back some tunes that matched the planned workout. My boy Blueprint still has my playlists loaded and with his 2.0 home from college, the speakers were also ready to go. Disclaimer was laid out and Double downer Blueprint joined in , so off we went. Jogged to get coupons and then headed to base of concrete monster to get started.
Tune 1- Living in America (James Brown 1985-Rocky 3) 15 SSH cadence, 15 CTG cadence, 15 Pusher original Funky chicken cadence. slow count for cadence and form- 10 cadence merkins, 20 cadence overheads, 20 cadence curls.
1st Amrap- to Kick Start my heart- Motley Crue 1987, Poison- Bel Biv Devo 1990, and Too Late – Dep Leopard-1983
At bottom of concrete monster-20 overhead presses- run 11/16ths up hill and perform 10 merkins.
run down to bottom 19 presses, at top 11 merkins—keep this up til reverse number —-10 presses, 20 merkins.
flutter kick for 6 at bottom.
2nd Amrap- to TNT-ACDC 1977, Apache- Sugar Hill Gang 1981 and Panama -VanHalen 1984
At bottom of Concrete monster- 20 curls – run up stairs adjacent to concrete monster 10 dips. same principal, all the way til 10 curls- 20 dips.
flutter kick for 6 at bottom.
Those 2 amraps took a lot longer than I thought! Only 4 minutes left so speed rushed some legs and abdomen.
20 goblet squats, 20 reverse crunches, 20 bonnie blairs, 20 flutter kicks.
Prayer requests
NMS- Puddin missed our workout to get ready for golf. We found out later in day that 150 dips can affect your swing.
Dont recommend using the side stairs like we did . The stench liked to made Posh and Mr Bean lose their cookies.
Enjoyed leading group this am