I came in hot with about a minute and a half to go before start time. I jumped out of my car and issued the one minute warning as I tied my shoes.
7 pax posted today for a soggy, humid beat down.
Disclaimer was given at 6 and off we went down to the practice field to get started.
We circled up near the coupons for COP:
25 Side Straddle Hops IC
25 Imperial Walkers IC
25 Grass Cutters IC
25 Whirly Boys IC
We all grabbed a coupon and moseyed back to the bottom of the stairs for The Main Thang:
Dora Pyramid:
P1 runs to the top of the stairs and does 15 merkins. P2 completes reps. All work is cumulative:
100 Kettle bell swings
200 bicep curls
300 American Hammers w/ coupon (count each side)
200 Bent over Rows
100 Goblet Squats
Uncle Buck gave us a 10 count and then we lined up on the 50 yd line for some ab work:
21 Freddy Mercurys
15 Flutter Kicks
9 World War 1 sit-ups
Perform the reps on the 50, rifle carry coupon 10 yds, drop and repeat reps. Rinse and repeat until reaching the end line of the practice field.
Everyone finished right at 6. Time was called and we moseyed back up to the shovel flag.
Count, Names
3 options on Fridays: RED Friday at Epicenter, Fountain OnB from Uptown Fountain, Goat Track Hills starting from Hunter’s Creek Clubhouse
Meatloaf’s book club meets at Starbucks after workouts on Friday
Saturday Boot camp will be at the Fury site at 6AM. 2.0 workout at Fury at 8AM. Chic-fil-a after workout for some 2nd F.
Prayer Requests: Cheech’s family in Lexington, Rocky, Friends of pax who are dealing with health issues.
Closed in Prayer
Great work today guys. It is a blessing to be able to lead another workout for my F3 brothers. Thank you for the opportunity to serve today.
Dixie Chick