Conditions: Humidity 112% and 75 degrees
This was my second Q (hence the Baby Q) and could not wait! I had the idea for a warm-up loosely based of the 1,100 workout that Refugee put me through the other week at Fury. This would be a 300 rep affair. I excepted whining and grief during the warmup and I got plenty, including some Jane Fonda like side-straddle hops as well!
50 side straddle hops in cadence
40 squats OYO
30 merkins OYO
20 v-ups OYO
10 Burpee’s OYO
10 Burpee’s OYO
20 v-ups OYO
30 merkins OYO
40 squats OYO
50 side straddle hops in cadence
After the warmup we moseyed over to the coupon cage and each man grabbed two coupons.
We proceeded to undertake the “Man-maker Death March” at the soccer field.
The Thing:
Do one man-maker, followed by two walking lunges. Then after every 5th man-maker leave the one coupon and run back to the beginning line and do 20 overhead presses. Repeat till the distance across the field is covered. We did one legged steps-ups for the six on the benches. On the return trip across the field it was the same, but 30 curls after each set of 5 man-makers and lunges.
The Bonus Work:
Time permitted so we did farmers walks across their field and pax choice after each trip: this gave us an additional five trips of farmers walks across the field, 30 chest presses, 20 double coupon dips (good call Otis!), 20 triceps extensions (Bengay kept the pump going), 20 American hammers, and 10 double coupon deep merkins! Every last second of the time was used and we moseyed back to the flag pole.
Countorama, Namerama,
Devotion: Becoming in everyday practice what God has already declared us to be in the truth of His Word.
Prayer: (Cheech and his family and friends, Otis and his travel to Ohio)
Announcements Convergence at Fury Saturday 6:00am, 2.0 workout to follow at 8:00.
NMS: Stupefied silence was predominate as we rolled through the 50 side straddle hops in cadence.
In the middle of return trip on the man-maker death march as we all were deep in the hurt, Judge Hairy exclaims: This is a Baby Q Barbecue: we all got smoked butts and shoulders!
Great work by everyone! Privilege to lead this group this morning and immensely grateful for the gift of life in light of Cheech’s situation, keep praying for he and his family. Value each second, it is a gift from God!