I went to bed last night with all intentions of doubling down for BabyBlu’s birthday bonanza, only to wake up this morning with a tweak in my back that doesn’t feel great. In an effort to make sure it doesn’t get worse I decided against Blu’s Q and significantly modified my workout at Tsunami to stay away from all weighted exercise. That said, 4 extra guys showed up for Tsunami after a few additional deflectors from the double down train. (Way to go BluePrint and Sunshine for doubling). It went like this:
20 SSHs IC
25 Merkins OYO
The Thang
Flora Dora
Partner up, cumulative work, P1 runs to 50 and back, P2 works at the goal line.
100 Burpees
200 Air Squats
300 Merkins
200 Big Boi Situps
100 Jungle Boi Squats
Track Indian run
Last person in line drops and performs 10 merkins, then sprints to front of pack who are at mosey pace. We completed two full laps around the track with each person getting in 3 set of merkins and sprints.