F3 Greenwood

YHC has often coined himself as an “idea guy”, and sometimes they are decent and actually work.  FNG Day falls into that category, unlike bear crawling around a track.  After a week or so of promoting FNG Day, we had 6 Friendly New Guys post for their first F3 workout.  There are still plenty of men in the community that need what we have to offer, therefore #ABH (always be headlocking).

Disclaimer-given and emphasized

GrassCutter 15 IC
LBAC (front, back), OH air clap, front clap, Moroccan nightclub 15 each IC

100 GobletSquats
200 OH Press
300 Curls
Run to other side of football field – 10 V-ups

A mosey through Epicenter – mountain climber for the 6 at stops
At each stop:
21 Merkins – 15 BigBoi sit-ups – 9 burpees
Plank for 6 to finish work
Move to another location – stopped for work at 4 various locations around Epicenter

Low plank – 30 count
20 WhirlyBoy IC
Low plank – 30 count
Low plank – 30 count
20 AmericanHammer IC
Low plank – 30 count
20 FlutterKick IC
Low plank – 30 count
20 LegRaises IC
Low plank – 30 count



Did anybody ever find Otis’ truck key?

A few pax met at Howard’s for a preBootcamp mosey to the AO – a nice 2.5 mile through some of the most scenic areas of TheWood – interesting to hear FNGs question our sanity of why you would run to the workout

Did anybody ever find Otis’ truck key?

F3 is a free workout, but 2 of the FNGs decided to bring a nice gift of Merlot to the Epicenter on this beautiful Saturday morning – first time we have had any splashes in a while

Great to see the amount of mumblechatter and energy that was brought by the pax – Polly started the action for the first 4 minutes and then handed over the reigns to others once he was heavy breathing

The amount of encouragement and comradery on display was also at a high level – this thing is clearly more than a workout

Did anybody ever find Otis’ truck key?

Hope the pax enjoyed the 30 minute post workout cooldown – that doesn’t usually happen – unless you lose something midworkout and need a search crew

To the FNGs from Saturday, and anyday for that matter – it doesn’t get any easier, but you will get better (you may have heard that a few times)

Hope to see all of you in TheGloom as often as possible

Did anybody ever find Otis’ truck key?