F3 Greenwood

8 PAX  posted on a RED Friday to honor Army Captain Dan Whitten(KIA:2-2-2010). You can read more about him below.

We met at the flag and moseyed to the center of the Epicenter complex to begin the Hero WOD.

Disclaimer and explanation of work given and we got to it.


5 Rounds for Time:

22 KB swings

22 Box Jumps

400M run

22 Burpees

22 Thrusters

This may not look too tough on paper, but this was one of the most challenging workouts I have ever completed. The constant encouragement expressed throughout the group kept everyone going and we are all better for the work we did as a group.

We returned to the shovel flag for COT:

We counted ourselves, stated our names, made some announcements(most of which have now passed due to the tardiness of this BB), and prayed to close.

Tclaps to the men who posted today and completed the work. It was deceptively tough. Thank you for being there for my first RED Friday Q.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve by leading another workout.

Dixie Chick