YHC wanted to design a workout this week to honor the 2 year anniversary of F3Grrenwood and YHC’s 2 year anniversary. YHC is a redwood original who was there the day the flag was planted at The Epicenter having no idea where this journey would take me. There have been highs and lows, ups and downs, injuries, personal accomplishments, weight loss, true lasting friendships formed, fun, frustration……through it all I’m still here. And I’m still here in large part because of you, yes you. You have pushed me, encouraged me, challenged me. I’ve accomplished more physically in the last 2 years than I have my whole life. I’ve developed deeper stronger friendships that I’ve had my whole life. I’ve been invigorated more to lead my family and lead well more that I have my whole life. I’ve challenged myself to push forward in all aspects of my life as a result of pushing through the physical limits at workouts. Thank you for your friendship and for encouraging me to continue to push the rock. It hasn’t gotten easier, I’ve gotten better.
We started with 10 and finished will 11. Always good to add PAX during a workout, even if they are a veteran that is late…Alpo.
Conditions: Perfect for the work about to ensue
Disclaimer given and off we go to the Pull-up area.
YHC planned a Q with a lot of different exercises and a fair number of reps. Should have been simple enough for everyone to keep up with but it wasn’t….
Warm-up was the Mosey
Pull-up Station
2 Rounds
30 Flutter Kicks
20 Freddy Mercury
10 Leg Raises
Max effort Pull-ups
WWI Sit-ups for the 6
Mosey to coupons, grab one and line up on the soccer field sideline
Soccer Field Station
2 Rounds
30 BBS
30 Bonnie Blairs
20 Jump Squat with Bent Row (1 Jump Squat followed immediately by 1 Bent Row is one rep) These will straight work you, we will do these again.
10 Al Gore/Front Press (Hold Al Gore position while completing 10 Front Press)
Run and touch the fence and back (Much discussion/complaining about how far you had to run)
WWI Sit-ups for the 6
After everyone completed one round Alpo decided he had waited long enough to join the fun and came moseying in and joined us.
Mosey to the Tennis Courts
2 Rounds
30 LBC
30 Curls
20 Kettlebell Swing
10 Manmaker
Sucide touching every line on one court (Again much discussion/complaining about how many lines and who didn’t have some of them)
WWI Sit-ups for the 6
After multiple attempts with the explanation, which is difficult to give while everyone is winning, it was noted that this was a Q Fail for having so many exercises. Well maybe but there were some difficult PAX in attendance at this workout. One’s that like to talk while your trying to explain the work to be performed…..Polly.
Mosey to the Gazabo
More work you won’t remember
2 Rounds
30 Heel Taps
30 Pullover/Chest Press (Complete 1 pullover and 1 chest press for 1 rep) These will straight work you and are hard after about 15 reps, so next time we will do 40 reps 🙂
20 Tricep Ext
10 Burpee Box Jump
Max Effort Incline Merkins
Mosey to the Hill
More work you won’t remember and will complain about and no we are not done yet!
2 Rounds
30 American Hammers
30 Overhead Press
20 We’re Not Worthy
10 Alpo
Bear Crawl up the Hill
WWI Sit-ups for the 6
YHC called recover as most had completed one round or almost completed. Then something I’ve never seen or heard happen. Polly complained that I called recover in the middle of his Bear Crawl. So we “encouraged” him to finish and he proceeded to speed bear crawl faster than anyone. Polly been sandbagging all this time?
Mosey to put coupons away and head to the flag
Countorama and Nameorama
Announcements and Prayers
YHC Closed in prayer
Great work by all the PAX in attendance, I’m still feeling it a little today.
I got a Q Fail from Jug but it was trumped by him cussing me, under his breath as Duder was in attendance.
Alpo announced he wasn’t late but early, he was only looking for a 30 minute workout to count toward his F3250.
Polly was well Polly.
Hulk has been a strong addition to the group. Now if we can just get the Nantan on board with a renaming.