I pulled up to the Shipyard to an empty parking lot. Immediately I began thinking about what to do if no one decided to post for my workout this morning. Would I go through the workout I had planned, run some slow laps to work out the pain in my legs, or just call it a day and head back to the house for a little more sleep? Fortunately, a couple minutes before start time, Special K and Cocoa Puffs pulled up. I was glad I didn’t have to make a decision about what to do because I know I would have chosen to head back home.
Disclaimer was given at 5:15 and the three of us headed down to the practice field, grabbed a coupon, and got started.
20 Side Straddle Hops
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Grass Cutters
The Thang: 1100 Reps
100 reps of each:
American Hammers w/ coupon 100 total
Overhead Presses
Mtn Climbers 100 each leg
Reverse Crunches
Squats w/ Coupon
Flutter Kicks
Chest Presses
Big Boy Sit-ups
Time called at 6:00.
Count, Names, Announcements, Closing Prayer
Big thanks to Special K and Cocoa Puffs for posting this morning. We had some good fellowship as we knocked out the 1100 reps. #Tclaps to Cocoa Puffs for posting all this week while on Spring Break. Not many young men his age would be willing to drag themselves out of bed to workout with a bunch of old guys.
It is always a blessing to be able to gather with the PAX of F3 Greenwood no matter how many post. Thank you for the opportunity to serve by leading another workout.
Dixie Chick