F3 Greenwood

Polly has been ​trying to recruit YHC to Q at the Epicenter for a while.  Once he figured out how to include me on the Q sheet, I signed up for the first open date.  When developing the workout, YHC decided to consult the Exicon to find some “new to us” exercises to include in this workout.  5 pax joined me for a shoulder smoking workout at the Epicenter.

Conditions: 60° with plenty of wind

Disclaimer: I’m not a professional, push yourself, and modify as necessary 

-20 SSH – IC (increasing tempo)
-15 Cut the grass – IC
-15 LBAC – IC (forward & reverse)
The Thang
Grab a coupon and head the the center of the complex

10 Minute AMRAP
-New exercise – Bears & Blocks – Get on all fours (like you are doing a bear crawl) with your block on the ground between your feet. Reach between your legs and pull the Block forward past your head. Now, bear crawl forward until the Block is between your feet again, and keep repeating to the three-sided sign.
-Bear&block to the sign (approx 30 yards) #crowdpleaser
-10 Manmakers
-Bear&block back to start
-10 Alpos
-Rinse and repeat (YHC called an audible after the first round, replacing Bears&Blocks with Lungewalks with the coupon, so that we still had some shoulders left for the end of the workout.)

-Indian Run to Heartbreak Hill (leave coupons at center) – This turned into a single file run as Polly did not hear the call and never ran to the front.

-11’s on Heartbreak Hill – 1 burpee at the bottom, run to top, 10 burpees, run to bottom, 2 burpees, run to top, 9 burpees, so on and so forth until you get to 10 burpees at the bottom and 1 burpee at the top.

-Indian Run back to coupons – A specific explanation was given this time.

-New Exercise – Wonderbra – Wall sit while doing alternating OH presses and Horizontal presses with coupon.  Only one set of 10 in cadence due to time.  Only having one set was still a #crowdpleaser.

-Return coupons and circle up at the flag

Count-o-rama: 6
Announcements: F3Dads Campout, Epicenter is the only AO open on Saturday (debut of the Starfish), Family Fun Day at Lego’s Air Force Base(McIntire AFB),
Prayer Requests: Sparkle, Spud, Rocky, Pax who are MIA

-YHC was operating with no sleep prior to this workout due to committing to smoking a pig (starting at midnight) for a church event.  I started to try to find a sub Q but decided to do the harder thing and since I was going to be up anyway, I might as well break away from the pig and put in some work.
-The “new to us” exercises were both #crowdpleasers.  Bears&Blocks had the shoulders screaming more than YHC expected, especially when mixed with manmakers and alpos.  These would be much more “fun” if done on grass, I may have to try that next time.
-The Wonderbras were a good way to completely finish off the shoulders at the end of the workout.  Just wish we had time for a few more sets.
-There was just the right amount of #mumblechatter to keep the mood light when the work was hard.  The Epicenter boys never disappoint in either department.
-Great work put in by everyone this morning.  It has been a while since I have visited the Epicenter, but will definitly be back soon.  This was a strong group who really got after it for the full 45 minutes.  It was a pleasure to lead the group at the epicenter and I look forward to doing it again sooner.
