Coffee Runs had 18 pax post and get better.
March has been a little crazy. It’s been really really cold, and really warm. It has poured down rain and lightening and then other days it’s been dry. Some days we’ve had 30 pax post, and others have totaled less than 10. Today was a dry warm day hopefully like the ones headed our way in April. Now’s the time for those hibernating bears to awaken and rise once again to a daily F3 workout. A workout not unlike the one below.
Conditions: 52F A little chilly to start, a little warm on the finish.
Disclaimer: Given at the 1 minute mark.
Run for 45 minutes in a multitude of routes and directions returning to SBucks at 0600 for the COT
Weekend schedule is as follows UFN (Until Further Notice)
All workouts begin at 0600
1st Sat – Shipyard
2nd Sat – Epicenter
3rd Sat – Terrapin
4th Sat – Fury/Hells Bells
Smoky’s Family
SnakeEyes Family
Rocky’s Recovery
Ah yes, the weekly Coffee Runs. Some ran long, most ran short, two ran backwards, three started early, and all but 1 made it back for the COT. It is a great time for fellowship and community. The best workout of the week, and it is my pleasure to be a part of it. UNT (Until Next Time).
JKS – Alpo