F3 Greenwood

Conditions were perfect for a run in the Gloom.

6 PAX gathered at the Uptown Fountain for the weekly edition of F3 Greenwood’s OutnBack.

Uncle Buck, Boy George, and Fabio couldn’t wait for the 5:15 take-off and went XL. Good for y’all.

The rest of us, Special K, Cobra Kai, and myself, took off at 5:15 after I gave the disclaimer.


Leave the Uptown Fountain at 5:15 and run/jog/walk as far as you can for 22.5 mins. Return  by 6:00. 

Count, Names

Announcements: Dads/2.0s Campout April 28-29.

Prayer Requests: Smoky and Bojangles and their families as they deal with loss. Injured/sick/struggling PAX.


A short discussion in the COT today about how many extra-curricular activities our 2.0s are involved in and the associated costs in time and money. How blessed we are to be able to provide so many opportunities to our children.

It is always a blessing to be able to gather with any number of F3 Greenwood PAX. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and lead another workout.

Dixie Chick