F3 Greenwood

YHC arrived at Terrapin with only one car in the parking lot, that familiar champagne colored van. Met Juggarnaut in parking lot. Slight rain, 48 degrees. OK, we each had a workout partner. Headed to coupon stack, two more cars- We have a workout group!
I dont think the disclaimer was given.

Lot of work to do, lets get it:

25 reps each exercise (after each exercise max effort dips or pull-ups)

Man makers
Tricep extensions

50 reps each exercise (after each exercise 10 lunge steps-counting one leg)

Kettle bell swings
Big Boi situps

100 reps (after each exercise do 10 burpees)

Overhead press

Time called at 5:59. All work was completed.


Prayer request


YHC headed toward Terrapin in the gloom through an early morning rain. Not to bad, I thought. Only had one HC the night before, but never can tell who would show up.. Parking lot was nearly empty. Only the familiar van of Juggarnaut. Upon exiting my car, Juggs hollered, “I wish that wasn’t you.” Thanks alot. But he went on to explain, that if it wasn’t me, then I would still be on my way and we would have at least 3. No fear, here comes Alpo……..there goes Alpo, passing through Terrapin AO heading to fountain. So now it is back to me and Juggs. Let’s go get a coupon. Upon arriving at the coupon pile, we notice two more cars pulling into the parking lot. We each grab an extra coupon for those guys. Juggs and I notice that somebody is just hanging in the parking lot. Juggs screams something that probably shouldn’t be typed here and Pusher scurries over to meet us. Pusher offers some lame excuse about waiting on Sunshine to get out of his car as to why he was loitering in the parking lot. Work was done- Juggs was fighting off the merlot towards the end, but he pushed us all through the workout, encouraging everyone to the end. Sunshine is a beast on those thrusters, of course he displayed that same form at Red Friday last week. Pusher is my man- pushing towards #respect. You already have mine brother! Again, I am thankful for the opportunity to lead such a special group of men. Until the next time, Baby Blu is out!