F3 Greenwood

YHC figured on low numbers today due to upcoming race this weekend. When I showed up and saw there were only 4 for the early workout I thought I might be going solo. I arrived early and after taking a few laps around the track I returned to the parking lot to find Blueprint waiting and then a couple minutes later Puddin joined us. Both guys commented on how they almost didn’t make it out of the fartsack this morning. I appreciate you posting with me this morning men. I’m not sure if I would have completed the workout solo or just ran more or gone home.

Disclaimer given and stationary upper body and ab workout promised

Mosey to get a coupon and head to the new field.

Tringle up for a brief warmup


15 Grass Cutters IC
15 Flutterkicks IC

The Thang
5 Manmakers
5 Manmakers
30 Flutterkicks
5 Manmakers
30 Flutterkicks
15 Pullovers
5 Manmakers
30 Flutterkicks
15 Pullovers
20 Freddy Mercury
5 Manmakers
30 Flutterkicks
15 Pullovers
20 Freddy Mercury
5 Manmakers
30 Flutterkicks
15 Pullovers
20 Freddy Mercury

10 Alpos
10 Alpos
20 Heel Taps
10 Alpos
20 Heel Taps
30 Overhead Press
10 Alpos
20 Heel Taps
30 Overhead Press
30 Bent Rows
10 Alpos
20 Heel Taps
30 Overhead Press
30 Bent Rows
10 Alpos
20 Heel Taps
30 Overhead Press
30 Bent Rows

10 Front Press
10 Front Press
30 LBC
10 Front Press
30 LBC
50 Chest Press
10 Front Press
30 LBC
50 Chest Press
40 Curls
10 Front Press
30 LBC
50 Chest Press
40 Curls
10 Front Press
30 LBC
50 Chest Press
40 Curls

Those counting at home that was:

30 Manmakers
120 Flutterkicks
60 Pullovers
60 Freddy Mercury
60 Alpos
80 Heel Taps
120 Overhead Press
90 Bent Rows
60 Front Press
120 LBC
200 Chest Press
120 Curls

Recover and return the blocks and meet at the flag.

Countorama and Nameorama

Announcements and Prayer Request

YHC Closed in Prayer

Puddin was visibly struggling with the overhead press today. I was later discovered he had a block with a little extra weight. YHC traded blocks with him for the final scheme and can attest with Puddin that not all blocks are equal.

No other chatter to speak of as everyone was putting in work.

Thanks again for posting with me men.