F3 Greenwood

Monday’s offer 3 options for Pax of F3 Greenwood to get their work week started off in a positive way. You’ve got Terrapin, which is a Boot Camp. You’ve got Hustle, which concentrates on speed work. And then you’ve got the Out n Back that starts at the fountain. This is the original Monday workout. All 3 options are a great way to get your week started.

15 Pax posted to the out n back to get their run on. On of the best things about the out n back option is that it has additional options built in. You can post early and get a couple extra miles in and you can vary your pace to determine what type of run you are looking to get. Push the pace for a red line run, go easy for a recovery run, or you can even get in some interval work. No matter what option you chose, you will be better for it.

Conditions: Low 40’s

Disclaimer: Given

The Meat:
Run North for 22-1/2 minutes, turn around, and run south 22-1/2 minutes.



* Anyone running the Swamp Rabbit that wants Sugar to pick up their race pack (If it’s allowed) needs to let him know to add them to the list.
* Nothing else new mentioned, but there are still things going on. Check the news letter for updates and keep your ears open.

Prayer Request:
* Rocky – The chemo treatments he’s getting are taking a tole on him. Pray for strength and reach out to him to give encouragement.
* 8-Mile – Received positive news from the biopsy, but still needs prayers for recovery and answers.
* Any one that comes to mind. We all need prayers, whether you are aware of a specific need or not, so if someone pops in your mind there’s a reason for it. So take a minute and say a quick prayer for that person.

* A lot of good interaction before and after the run. I’m sure some Pax can even carry on a conversation during a run. I’m not one of them, but I’m sure some do.
* With all the options available on Monday, YHC hasn’t posted to the out n back recently. Enjoyed hitting that AO and I encourage everyone to bounce around from time to time to change up the routine.

As always…
Until the next Q
MM is out