A while back YHC came across a video of a speed workout Rich Froning’s coach designed. At first glance it’s a little complicated, but once you get the concept down it’s a solid workout.
3 Pax posted at #Hustle to get is some speed work.
Conditions: low 50’s
Disclaimer: given
Mosey to the track and let’s run a 400m warm-up lap.
The work:
(Times based on training at a 6 minute mile pace)
4 Rounds (we had time for 3 rounds today)
400m < 1:30
200m Jog Recovery
300m – 1:30
100m Sprint
300m – 1:30
100m Sprint
3:00 – Rest
Here's a list of times to adjust the running times based on your training goal.
6 minute mile = 1:30 – 400m
7 minute mile = 1:45 – 400m
8 minute mile = 2:00 – 400m
9 minute mile = 2:15 – 400m
10 minute mile = 2:30 – 400m
Recovered after 3 rounds and ran a 600m recovery lap.
YHC stressed the importance of continuing to push your pace through out the entire workout to really maximize the benefits of Hustle. YHC feels this is the biggest benefit of this workout. It gives you a defined target to push for verses just trying to run fast.
* Saturday's workouts held at Fury site
* Assault early April
Prayer Requests:
* 8-Mile may be getting biopsy results today.
* Puddin's brother is having 2nd knee surgery within a year
* Was glad to have Puddin and Weaver post this morning. YHC was thinking it could be a solo run with several of the Hustle regulars running long on Sunday.
As always…
Until the next Q
MM is out