F3 Greenwood

Conditions:48* and soggy.

This was my first Q at our relatively new AO, Terrapin. I created a couple different workout plans to accommodate those who are currently on the IR. One workout involved quite a bit of running and the other was stationary but involved lots of reps of several  different exercises. None of the IR PAX decided to post at Terrapin, so the running workout was the order of the day. Being the Run Q, I am always looking for an excuse to do some running in my workouts. Since Terrapin is located so conveniently close to our original Hills route, I decided to make use of one of my favorite little spots. This was a simple workout, but I believe it pushed the PAX and everyone left better than they arrived.

Here’s how it went down:


Imperial Walkers 50 IC

Windmills 25 IC

LBACs (forward and backward) 25 each IC

Grab a coupon and mosey to Charles Street Hill for the real workout:


Hill Run AMRAP -somewhere between 15-20 mins

25 Overhead Presses, Run to top of Charles St., 25 Big Boy Sit-ups, run back down, repeat.

AMRAP #2 – somewhere between 15-20 mins

25 curls, Run to top of Charles St, 25 American Hammers, run back down, repeat.

Time Called, coupons returned to pile, circled up in parking lot




Announcements: Upcoming races, Kettle bell workout starting Jan 28 at Fury, Read the newsletter


It was fun to Q at Terrapin. I am already looking forward to my next Q opportunity and trying out more of the options that the site has to offer. If you are stuck in your Monday routine of running and need a change of pace or can’t run because of injury, post at Terrapin.

As always, it was a blessing to be able to lead the workout today. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Dixie Chick