F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 52 Degrees

A few weeks ago, YHC redlined on distance which led to a considerable amount of lingering knee pain. Slowing down the speed and taking more breaks between run days has been sorting out that issue. And today, YHC was encouraged by a normal feeling knee and a morning temp that felt a lot like spring.

Add in the motivating presence of brothers who are also pushing themselves to be better and you’ve got an excellent run through the hills of The Wood.

Disclaimer: Given, Redline encouraged.

The Thang = Most of the Hills:
Take the Seaboard route to Phoenix, AKA Misty Mountain. Turn around at the Index-Journal and run back up Phoenix and Seaboard. Head across to Hampton Place and enter the parking lot by the Theatre. Exit the parking lot at Big Mac’s Tire Store and head to the bridge on Cambridge. Turn around and hit the spur on the way back.  Head back toward the fountain and hit the Big Mac hill again. Cross the street and head back down Seaboard and Phoenix. Turn around at the Index-Journal and head to the fountain.

(a black cat may or may not have crossed YHC’s path while running the spur)
-Combined workout at Epicenter Saturday
-Boy George discussed starting Dads and Lads/Lassies back on the last Saturday of the month
-Starting in February, Fury will start at 5 a.m. (1-hour workout)

Prayer Requests:
-They are changing Rocky’s treatment
-Keith and Bonne Lethco were in a car accident yesterday while taking their daughter back to college. They are ok.