F3 Greenwood

YHC had forgotten he signed up to Q until Suagr’s timely tweet about an old Navy man. Thanks, Sugar, for taking the high road. There are may jokes out there about the men who navigate the sea.

YHC scoured his feeble brain for workout ideas. One hour AMRAP of burpees? Bad idea. Three sets of 100 burpees and a set of 100 V-ups? Bad idea. Finally, YHC settled on the plan for the day.

The 300 Workout

  • Warm-Up Lap Around Car Loop x 2
  • Circle-Up
  • Merkins x 25 OYO
    C-LBC x 25 OYO
    Burpees x 12 OYO
    Flutters x 25 IC
  • Rinse and Repeat x 4 (Total Merkins w/ Burpees: 148)
  • Lap Around Car Loop
  • SSH x 25 (4ct)
  • Circle-Up
  • Merkins x 25 OYO
    C-LBC x 25 OYO
    Burpees x 12 OYO
    Flutters x 25 IC
  • Rinse and Repeat x 4 (Total Merkins w/ Burpees: 148)
  • Lap Around Car Loop
  • Burpees x 4 OYO to make an even 100 burpees and 300 merkins
  • Quick deep breathing exercise to get focused on gratitude

This is one of YHC’s favorite workouts for a couple of reasons. First, it is a difficult workout. It tests the upper body big time. Second, it tests you mentally. The monotony of eight rounds of work that are exactly the same can be very tough. Staying engaged mentally is key. If you check out of the fight mentally, you will find it difficult to keep pushing through.

Since the workout is called #300, YHC thought about the film and favorite scene from the film. Xerxes sends a messenger to Sparta to tell the Spartans they can surrender to Xerxes or be conquered. During the exchange, Queen Gorgo, wife of Spartan King Leonidas, has the audacity to speak, something that was not well received during those times. The messenger quips something about letting a woman speak and Leonidas ends up killing the messenger, something absolutely forbidden during that time.

As YHC looked around the group of men in the CoT, I was certain that each an every one of them would, without question, die for their wives and, just as likely, for the wife of any other man there. Too many times, however, we fail to LIVE for our wives. If #IAmThird, then my wife must come before me. Yes, I have needs and rights, but those must never be claimed until AFTER I have met the needs of my wife. Living Third sounds great and I believe most of the men of F3 do their level best each day to live it out. But we have been called to do more.

As Jesus went to pray on the mountain, He left the disciples behind, but he called Peter, James and John to go a little further. We, too, men, have been called to go a little further. It’s not easy and the battle rages on around us, but we must be ever vigilant and committed to doing the right thing even with the full knowledge that we will fail at some point.

Shout out to Special K, who noted that YHC was aiming for a snotwoggler with “no coupons sneeded.” Aye!

Shout out to T-Rav, who said after we prayed, “I’m so glad I got out of bed and came out here this morning. I didn’t want to get up.” Aye, brother! We’re all glad you did as well!

And to my man Shaggy – He had his VQ Tuesday and had the Shipyard flag. He rolled in looking like he may have had encounter with otherworldly beings during the night just to bring the flag. He clearly did not feel well, but demonstrated absolute burn-the-boars commitment to deliver the shovel flag to the place it needed to be.

I am proud to be associated with the men of F3 and it is always an honor to lead not a group WITH leaders, but a group OF leaders!
