1 pax posted to #Hustle for a little speedwork on the track. YHC had a feeling it could happen this way. Between pax running the day before, injuries, and half of Greenwood being in Tampa, It didn’t look good for a large crowd posting. YHC pulled in the parking lot about 0510 and nothing, nada, zip. YHC layered up with glovesx2 and went Meatloaf style and used the gator face shield. 0513 Still no one….so a decision had to be made. Cut and run/drive back home. No one would know! Modify and go play with the turtles at #Terrapin or do the harder thing and go it alone on the track. YHC chose the harder thing and went it alone on a gloomy frozen track………
Disclaimer (Thought to myself don’t hurt yourself, you are solo out here and I may pass out before I die but no one would know because no one is here and school is even out so who knows when I would be found with out the tweet that 1 pax posted.)
Main Thang
With Swamp Rabbit Half a month and a half away and so many HC’s, YHC decided it would be a good day to work on some longer distance speed. That means mile repeats. The workout went like this…..
1 mile warm-up
1 mile fast
1 mile recovery
1 mile fast
1 mile recovery
1 mile fast
In the truck with the heat on…..prayed for the pax of F3.
#mumblechatter was at a minimum.
Could have taken being the Solo Hustler many ways and tied in Star Wars but uncle Jesse has grown tired of the Star Wars chatter.
YHC had to play some mind games to keep pushing through the fast miles. The cold gets in your lungs even with the Gator face mask on. It burns and you are already breathing harder from trying to push yourself faster and faster. Just one more lap…..just half a lap. I was wondering if I looked cool and had frozen icicles on my face. Basically, at the end of it….. mission accomplished. Pushed through 6 miles even though it was tempting to stop at 5 and hopefully got better.
YHC had a little pity party yesterday for some reason. Got in a bad mood and could not shake it. Self doubt kind of rolled in about some things. It pretty much consumed me. I looked up a devotion about it and I found this from Rick Warren. If you ever have those moments maybe it will help………
Let Go Of Doubt So God Can Use You
“Anyone who doubts is like a wave on the sea, blown up and down by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” (James 1:6-7 NCV/NIV)
There are two things that cause self-doubt in your life:
1. Comparing your abilities causes you to doubt your abilities. Instead of looking to God, you start looking around at everybody else. They have more talent, more abilities, more education, or more experience. The moment you start comparing yourself to other people, you’re going to be filled with self-doubt.
The Bible says that it’s dumb to compare yourself to other people (2 Corinthians 10:12). God doesn’t want you comparing yourself to anybody else. He wants you to be unique. He wants you to be you.
2. Remembering your past failures causes you to doubt your abilities. Remembering your past failures is kind of like putting a movie in your mind of all your mistakes and playing it over and over. It tortures you to death, and you hate doing it.
God does not want you focusing on your past. If you stay focused on your past mistakes, you can’t get on with your present, and God can’t use you in the future. God says to forget the past.
Don’t let your past doubts or guilt keep you from being used by God. God says, “I don’t care what your past is. I want to use you!”
Nothing like a good run or boot camp (even if solo) to help fight through your thoughts and feel better on the otherside. Aye!