F3 Greenwood

The weather was brutal, raining the entire night prior to the first boot camp of 2017. YHC had forgotten he had the Q until a few tweets appeared the evening before. The AOQ was recruiting heavily for high attendance, YHC had his doubts of much success of the recruiting process, due entirely to the weather. Much to YHCs surprise, Uncle Jesse had recruited a lot of 5 stars and they stayed true to their commitment. 49 degrees, steady rain, soaked AO.
5:15am, mosey to the coupons, each pax grabbing one and returning to the side walk beside the playground.

Disclaimer given:
This is what we did….


Goblet squats 10
Burpees 10

Goblet squats 10
Burpees 10
Curls 20

Goblet squats 10
Burpees 10
Curls 20
Dips 40

Goblet squats 10
Burpees 10
Curls 20
Dips 40
Pull ups 10

Goblet squats 10
Burpees 10
Curls 20
Dips 40
Pull ups 10

Mosey to gazzebo. 10 min amrap
Box jumps. 20
BB sit-ups 20

Mosey to road- gather at bottom of hill across the street
Sprint to 3rd utility pole (approx. 50 yards)
Slow mosey back to start
20 merkins
Repeat Sprint, slow mosey 15 merkins
Repeat Sprint, slow mosey 10 merkins
Repeat Sprint, slow mosey

Mosey back, return coupons


MNS: YHC was happy to discover he had the Q. Needed the accountability to post. Would have been easy to let the fartsack win this morning,