YHC arrived at the Uptown Fountain around 5:10 am after passing Meatloaf (going XL) who was about a mile into his OnB run. Meatloaf’s truck was the only vehicle in the lot. As 5:15 approached, it was obvious that there would only be two vehicles in the lot when it was time to go. 5:15 came and YHC waited on the one car coming down the road to make sure they didn’t turn in – they didn’t. So off we I go.
Conditions: 48° and a nasty rain
Disclaimer: Not given – I didn’t want to be accused of talking to myself in public.
The Thang
Normal Monday OnB…22.5 minutes north on Main…22.5 minutes back to the fountain. Met back up with Meatloaf at the fountain.
Coffeeteria @ Sbux
It was a little disheartening for it to be the second day of 2017 and having to start the run alone. If the truth is known, had Meatloaf’s truck not been in the parking lot, YHC would have probably mailed it in and gone for early Starbucks. This put the thought of posting for your brother in a different perspective for me. This thought dominated most of my pondering during the nasty wet run. That man didn’t know who he was posting for, but it was most definitely for someone other than himself. Today it was for me. And I ended up having a better run than I’ve had recently because of it. If he hadn’t been there, I would not have have done that. My pledge is to HC often and get better by helping others get better. Who cares if it’s raining? Who cares if it’s cold? Help make your brothers better. Major #tclaps to Meatloaf for making me better today.
Piddler out!