F3 Greenwood

ColdFeet here,

For all those who were daring enough to post at THE Epicenter on this fine 44 degree morning, found themselves in the middle of a ColdFeet Birthday Q. That’s right, 24 years ago today, yours truly walked out of the birth canal, shook the doctor’s hand and congratulated him on a job well done. Weird right? Exactly. This morning’s workout was definitely one for the weird books. Nevertheless, work was indeed done.


Mountain Climbers – 25x
SSH – 25x
Mountain Climbers – 20x
LBAC – 20x F&B
Mountain Climbers – 15x
Grass Cutters – 15x
LBCs – 35 OYO

Mosey on over to the Coupon Cage, grab your weapon, drop it off at the PAVILION (or gazebo… if you’re a yankee) and head to the hill.

Black Jack
Bear crawl up hill
20 Plank Jacks
Run down hill
2 LBCs
19 Plank Jacks
So on and so forth until time is called. We sadly had to cut it short and make out way to the PAVILION.

Grab a partner, time for some DORA.
100 Curls
200 Chest Press
300 Decline Merkins
Alternate with partner, doing 20 calf raises in between.

Return coupon and mosey back to flag.

Habitat this Friday, Christmas Party, Turkey Trot, Ultimate Frisbee on Thanksgiving Day.


Prayer Requests:
Coffin’s injury and 2.0, Rocky, Blue Ball, Uncle Buck and Banjo.

As always, it was an honor to lead you brothers. There was too much weird mumblechatter to mention. But it is always a pleasure to lead you fellows. Special thanks to you guys for letting me share my heart about my mom and how I miss her deeply on days like today. May we remember that Christ understands our circumstances and he is the ultimate comforter, but he is always worthy of glory. May the Lamb of God receive the Reward of His suffering.