F3 Greenwood

When I pulled up to the Genesis parking lot there were no other cars present. I was encouraged to see Chubbs pull up a couple minutes later and then the Nantan himself graced us with his presence.  The numbers were lower than I would have liked, but the quality of PAX was second to none.

Disclaimer given during mosey to coupon pile. We each grabbed one and moseyed down Fury Road to the top driveway of the old Merrywood.

The Thang:


30 Merkins, 30 Thrusters, 30 American Hammers w/ coupon-Run to bottom of Fury Road and back= 1 round. Goal is to reach 9 rounds(270 reps of each exercise).

Time called before we could reach the ultimate goal. Me and Chubbs finished 6 rounds, Flossy finished the 30 merkins of 7th round)

Mosey back to return coupons.



Announcements: Read the newsletter


It is an honor and pleasure to serve my fellow PAX. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today.

Dixie Chick