F3 Greenwood

It has been awhile since YHC has lead or even attended a workout due to some injury. Thankfully my body is somewhat back to normal and I can get back in the swing of things.

That is at least I thought I was ready going into Fury but Im actually having trouble typing this BB because my arms seem deflated.

Anyway, here is the fun that 4 PAX had today.


70’s and a little humid


I am not a professional.  Go at your own pace and try to get the work done in the time frame.


20x SSH IC

25X Merkins OYO IC

13 Grass Cutters OYO IC

The Thang

The 400

(Try to complete all 400 reps before time is called. Also Once you start on a set you must complete that entire set before moving to another one.)

  • 100 Pull-Ups
  • 100 Dips
  • 100 Kettle Bell Swings
  • 100 V-Ups

After time is called circle up  around flag.





  • F3 dads camp coming up
  • Convergence this weekend for Race The Helix

Prayer Request

  • YHC parents are having health issues
  • Alpo’s stress at work
  • Friends have lost some members of their family


NakedMan Moleskin

  • T Claps to Sour and Alpo for finishing all the sets.  They crushed it and Sour even did the Dips and Pull-ups back to back.
  • Inspector and myself where not far from finishing but unfortunately couldn’t get it in time.  We still gave it our all and that’s what F3 is about.
