F3 Greenwood

12 pax broke away from the comfort of the #fartsack to revisit circles, squares, and the game of “Plank Plank Goose”.
The shovel flag was securely planted in the center of a 50yrd X 50yrd square carefully mapped out on the gridiron. The #Thang took place on the corners of said square, but periodically YHC would request that the PAX form a replica of the COT for a little 4 min “Pain Snack”. We ended with a nice plankfest hidden in a game of Plank Plank Goose (no one was fooled)
It was a dew-soaked brisk morning with temps in the 60’s.


Warm Up:
15 Squats IC
10 LBAC (front and back) IC
10 Push up planks IC
10 Monkey Humpers OYO

The Thang: Circles and Squares
Remain in the COT for some interval work

4 min “Pain Snack” (6 excersices: 30 second grind for each exercise, 10 sec break in between)
Mountain Climber
Freddie Mercury
High Knees
Toe-touch shuffle

12 min AMRAP
PAX started out together at one corner of the square and performed the following exercises (oyo):
10 erecters (Juggernaut was reminded of us his high school prom during these –not sure why)
10 jungle boy squats
10 walking lunges
Once completed, they would mosey to the next corner to, once again, perform all three exercises. This continued at each corner….over and over and over until the time was called.

Come back to the COT and……

REPEAT the 4 min “Pain Snack”
Mountain Climber
Freddie Mercury
High Knees
Toe-touch shuffle

6 min AMRAP (should have been 12mins but YHC decided to call time after 6 mins due to time constraints…had to get to the “game”)
As with the previous AMRAP, we ran around the square stopping at each corner to perform the following:
10 Burpees (Hand release)
10 plank jacks
10 Dying Cockroach

PAX then converged around the flag to finish up, but not until we played a little “Plank Plank Goose”. Rules are just like you remember except the pax start out in a hi-plank position while YHC started us off. “Plank, Plank, Plank, GOOSE!”… When I yelled “Goose”, the PAX that I touched (Flossy), got up and the chase was on. while we were running around the circle the rest of the PAX were doing Mountain Climbers until I claimed the spot vacated by Flossy. We continued playing but during each subsequent chase there was a new exercise to perform. The chosen exercises were: Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, Dancing Chilcutt. We made it through these twice before the final buzzer sounded.

Count a roma
Name a roma

-THREE CHANCES TO POST THIS SATURDAY….I’m sure we have a shirt for those that do all three :)) 1) Battleship this Saturday at the Shipyard at 6:00 a.m., 2) Convergance at 8:00 a.m. at the Genetic Center, and 3) Race the Helix at 10:00..Also at the Genetic Center.
-Don’t forget F3 Dads….Sign up now!

Prayer requests:
-Keep Juggernaut’s M in your prayers. She has some form of infection.
-Keep Shaggy and his family in your prayers. His step father past away yesterday morning and is being buried in Georgia this Saturday.

Message: Be intentional about making a difference in someone’s life today. this is super easy to do. it can be as small as saying hello to someone, giving a compliment, offering up encouragement. and don’t forget about those closes to us. sometimes they are the easiest to neglect when we get home each day. look for positive things within your family members to reinforce.