YHC shook up Epicenter….(a little)….We took the flag and slowsyed to the coupons….coupon in hand, flag in hand, we slowsyed to the center of the Epicenter….flag planted in a grate over a storm drain, we did our thang….slow warm up
YHC didn’t have this written down and now can’t remember (its been a loooong day) but my warm up goal was to be kind to Polly’s ankle…..i think it went down like this….
15 LBAC’s and reverse…15 Imperial Walkers (my favorite)…15 grass cutters…5 x 5 count supermans
Tha Thang!!
2 sets, 8 exercises each, 50 reps each
set 1….Overhead press, Curls, Upright row, LBC’s, Squats w coupon, Kettlebell swings, Imperial Walker w rifle carry coupon, Single leg squat
at the end of set 1, run, jog, walk halfway down lane and do 20 merkins, continue down lane to main gate and do 10 burpees… return to center for set 2
set 2….horizontal press, Overhead Tricep extensions, Bentover row, Freddy Mecury, Jungle Boi squats, Big Boi situps, Overhead squat thrust, calfraises w coupons
Circle up, nameOrama, countOrama (or viseversa, whatev)
prayers….Roach asked for prayers for father in law, prayers were asked for BluBall
Prayer and out
YHC is tired of wet grass thats full of fireants….
YHC wanted to take care of Pollys ankle
YHC got some pretty good “compliments” from Judge Harry referencing how much he loved some of my exercise choices
i sincerely enjoyed the workout this morning fellas….