F3 Greenwood

YHC is posting this on behalf of Roach whoi did an awesome job with his VQ. If you missed it you can catch him again this Saturday at 6:30am at the Epicenter. Below is how Roach recalled the events of the morning. He gave a strong message at the end of the workout which he has not included here but YHC will summarize for you as I have said these words before as well. Men it doesn’t matter how much work you put into the #gloom if you not putting in as much or more at home with lading your wife and kids as Chrsit has called each of us to. We can all see the physical before and after transformations. What would you or I look like if we could see the spiritual transformations. Some serious food for thought. Thanks for bringing the pain and the Word Roach! Meatloaf Out.

This day started at 4:20, forgot to change my alarm. Eyes pop open after an elbow or two to the ribs from the M, who is less than thrilled with the oversight. After the realization that I have another hour and a half to sleep set in, I was thrilled! After 15 minutes of tossing and turning, it was apparent there would be no more sleep on this day. I arrive at the Epicenter early and received a DM from my buddy Polly wishing me well. For those who frequent this AO, a Polly-less workout is noticeably different without the mumblechatter Q. (Thank you too Pusher- much respect brother). Im nervous and going over everything in my head. Lord help me! My nerves escalate, when I notice that it is 6:50, and Coach K and I are the lone two present. Where is Meatloaf? His truck is absent as well, surely the most responsible man on the planet didn’t sleep through an alarm- please not on this day. VQ, two pax, and six minutes till a disclaimer is uttered. My heart sank. At the low point for me, its like the Heavens opened up. Here comes Meatloaf in a flop sweat across the epicenter turf by way of Howard’s, where he left the truck I had wondered about. From there, it was pax on two wheels from every direction, just in time. Shew…………

Conditions 72 and 85% humidity

Disclaimer is given on time- Circle it up
Ssh x 20 IC
Front Stretch x5 IC
Mountain Climbers X15 IC
Side stretches X5 IC
WW2 Sit-up 15 OYO
Partner Up. ( More on this in a minute)
Mosey to volley ball court. Yep, the VB court you heard right.

The Thang:
Partner 1- Bear crawl through the sand down and back. Partner 2 whirlyboys while waiting for P1. 2 rounds.
Mosey to coupon cage and grab ya one. Partners take turns with a farmer’s carry around the track to the bottom of hill at the playground where work begins. Three rounds were audibled to 2.

Partner 1: run to top of hill with coupon
10 – we’re not worthys
15- thrusters
20- kettle bell swings
Partner 2: while waiting on P1 to return
10 v-ups switch to 5 manmakers and repeat
Next 2 Rounds
Partner 1: 10 alpos
15 jungle boy squats
20 tricep ext
P2-hold the 6 with 20 chest presses switch to 15 Freddie mercuries- repeat till P1 returns.

Return coupons
Mosey to flag
Mary for final five minutes

Epicenter will begin at 6:30 next week 7/23
F3 Aiken 7/30. Get with flossy

What a day, what a good day! Im glad the hard one is out of the way. As always Greenwood F3 delivers. YHC is proud to be a small part.
We may need a little work on partnering up. 1-2-1-2 was a bridge too far to cross on this day.

Mumble chatter was lacking. It was humid, work was hard, and oh yeah we were missing Polly.
Devotion was Gal 2:20.