Baby Blu made his return to the Epicenter, and his first Q at this AO. The Epicenter will always hold a special place for YHC, it was here that YHC first beat the fartsack. The temperature was 76 degrees and muggy. YHC always seems to underestimate the time it takes to arrive at the Epicenter, pulled into the parking lot on two wheels, yanked the shovel flag out of the ground, LETS GO!!
Headed to the coupon stash, everyone, grab a coupon and circle up around the flag on the end of the soccer field.
disclaimer given
58 merkins OYO
20 IW IC
10 MG IC
15 kettle bell swings OYO
10 manmakers OYO
15 kettle bell swings OYO
10 Manmakers OYO
15 kettle bell swings OYO
10 Manmakers OYO
YHC had always heard that The Epicenter was always the best or worst for mumblechatter, but during the COP things got really quiet, except for Coffin saying that he saw a pattern developing…., that was about it.
YHC had said no games- just pain. Well, brought out a game with pain. A game of 21. Pax start on the near sideline, sprint to other sideline and do 20 LBC’s, then sprint back to near sideline and do 1 merkin. Rinse and repeat counting by 1’s- down the LBC’s and up on the merkins. Until finally on last set do 1 LBC and 20 merkins. Most of the pax had finished before time was called.
Circle back around the shovel flag for some coupon work. Final touches on YHCs birthday from last week.
58 Curls
58 Bend over rows
58 Block presses IC (actually 116 presses)
Return coupons and circle up for COT
count a rama
name a rama
Why don’t we pray? Pride
We are saying that we have the capacity to do God’s job.
Prayer positions us to stand firm in gods power.
Live a praying life
Ephesians 6:18-24
1. Pray all kinds of prayer.
How do we keep our prayers from being petition.
ADORATION- who God is
CONFESSION- of our sins to God
THANKSGIVING- thanking God for what he has done
SUPPLICATION- asking God for what we need
2. Pray on all occasions.
Never a good time not to pray.
There is not a bad place to pray.
Usually we pray when we are not in control.
When you are happy, sad, at peace, angry.
3. Pray with all perseverance.
Do you believe the enemy is real?
4. Pray for all Christians…especially preachers.
Faithful words, clear words, bold words
2nd F @ fusion
F3 dads/2.0s Saturday at 8 @fury.
5k somewhere, see coldfeet or polly
Prayer requests:
All pax and friends that are sick or need other things
22 merkins +1.
22 for the veterans that commit suicide on a daily basis. Reach out to these men if you have an opportunity. 1 for lego who is deploying soon.
Paired off for a short one sentence prayer for each other. Circled up around the flag for a corporate prayer.
I enjoyed my first Q at the Epicenter. These guys over here are a close knit group. When we circled around the flag they really didnt wanna let me in their circle, or maybe it was the concern of shingles….but the did finally let me join. I look forward to a return trip to utilize some more of this great AO. It was a pleasure to do work with these men.