After some of the large crowds that have gathered at the Shipyard lately, 20 PAX seemed like a relatively small number. Good to see a mix of old and new faces show up to #getbetter.
Conditions: cooler than usual
15 ssh
15 LBAC front
15 monkey humpers
3 way merkin on coupon – left stagger, then middle, the. right stagger – was supposed to be decending number of reps 10 to 1 – quickly became a cluster and problematic – recover called early
10 min AMRAP
20 v ups
20 big boy sit-ups
20 American hammer
Sprint to 50 yard line
5 burpees
10 min AMRAP
20 oh press
20 curls
20 standing front press
Sprint to 50 yard line
5 hand release merkins
10 min AMRAP
10 plank jacks done at bottom of concrete monster, top of concrete monster and asphalt hill – up and down the hills completing work on everytime you reach flat ground
PAX choice exercises
If anybody has any aloe, please get it to MeterMaid to help with his sunburn
Welcome to FNG Jamie Ramm (Puddin) – white knighted his way through entire workout
Smokey made sure that YHC didn’t forget to do the #22Kill merkins with approximately 4 friendly reminders during COT
Nice words from JudgeJudy encouraging PAX to take a tour of F3Greenwood AOs…Shipyard may be convenient, may have a special place in your heart, may be wheremyou feel most comfortable, etc but F3Greenwood has a lot to offer at all locations…don’t miss out