THC encouraged Bambi to step out and lead his first workout and he eagerly jumped at the chance. Bambi is a strong PAX whom YHC has enjoyed to get to know better. Below are his words on his VQ and how the Ab Assault went down. It was a good one enjoy!
69 and humid
American hammer x10
LBACs 20 forward/ 20 backward
Moroccan Night Club x20
The Thang
•Mosey to coupons (1 per person)
•Split into groups of 4 and form a square
•First person does 10 merkins while other 3 do American hammers. Second person does 10 merkins. Third does merkins. Then fourth does merkins. around the square. If you are not doing merkins you are doing American hammers.
•Decrease merkins each set. 10 first set, 9 second, 8 third etc.
Round 2
Same as above except you will do 10 v-ups, 9 v-ups, 8 v-ups, (modify with lbcs if needed) while other 3 are doing chest presses with blocks.
Round 3
Same as above. 10 curls, 9 curls, 8 curls
Other 3 holding 6 inches
Round 4
Same as above. 10, 9, 8 Freddy Mercury bicycle kicks
Other 3 holding planks
Groups of 2 Dora 123 (Meatloaf)
Return coupons.
Mosey to flag
22 merkins
October camp out
October leatherneck
New shirts available
Prayer requests:
Lite brite travels
Terry Jones Jimmy Jay pancreatic cancer
Bobby Davis declining health
Smokeys daughter put to sleep
John Scott’s biopsy
Flossys co worker
Poo bear busy
Thanks to everybody who came to support me on my first Q. I encourage everyone who hasn’t yet to give it a try. You may feel like you’re not ready before hand (I know I did) but once you get started its not bad at all
Heard a lot of moans and groans during the workout. That’s the sound of weakness leaving the body.
Also heard a lot of weakness leaving a rear end at one point. I felt the earth tremor. Not sure who that was but it was bad.
One of the proudest moments from a pax I heard this morning was when Polly was the only one in his group to follow instructions. T-claps to Polly.
Overall good work today. Might have seemed like a lot, but we all got better.
Words of wisdom for today: if you can’t say nothin nice, don’t say nothin at all.
Bambi out